
All Facilities for Investigations :

Inspite of intercourse without contraceptives over a period of one year, if you heve not been  blessed with pregnancy, you are adviced to consult a fertility specialist to know the cause of your sterility.

At Swamini fertility center, all facilities for investigations and basic as well as advanced treatments are available under one roof.

Investigations in female partner:

  • Basic Clinical examination
  • Basic Transabdominal & Transvaginal Ultrasonography, Follicular monitoring coloure, doppler Study
  • Hormonal checkup
  • Tubal testing- Hysterosalpingography or laparohysteroscopy as required.

Investigations for male partner:

  • Semen Analysis
  • Male harmonal checkup
  • Examination by urologist and ultrasonography if required.

According to the investigation perfect treatment modality is chosen which will help you to conceive as early as possible

Swamini Test Tube baby and Endoscopy centre


16 Maharanapratap Housing Society, Deopur, Dhule 424002

Address ( Pune Branch )

Dhanalaxmi Apartment, Shop No 3,
SB Road, Pune - 411016

Phone No.


Email iD